- On the main page, look
on the left hand side for "Main Clipart Categories".
Pick your favorite main category Or, click on the Category Map
if you want to know what the subcategories are for that main category.
- On the next page, near the center middle you will
see a heading that says the category you picked For Example, Animals
Clipart. Below the green line, you will see a listing of subcategories.
Pick your favorite.
- On the next page, in the same place, it will say
category clipart. For Example, Bears Clipart: .Below that,
you will see a link to the Animals Category and a link Back
to Main . Below those links you will see Page 1, Page
2 etc. Click on the page. For Example, Page 1.
- On the next page, you will see for example Bears
Page 1, or Birds Page 1. Below that you will see a link
to main, next page and last page(if available),
a link to the subcategory and main category. Below these
links, you will see thumbnails of the clipart. You can view the full
size clipart by clicking on the picture, or you can hit next
or last to see the next page of clipart in that category.
Also have a look at the new section!
How to get full size image
If you are looking at a thumbnail, you can click on
it to see the fullsize version. This will jump you to a page with the
largest size on site. If you need a larger picture yet, for a t-shirt,
for example, you would have to go through requests.
How To Download:
Start by right-clicking on the picture you are interested in, whether
you want the full size or thumbnail. (The full size image can be resized
smaller) You can do this to any of the pictures basically on the site,
whether it is in the many pages of clip arts we have or it is one of
the title cliparts like the cat to the left. After you right-click on
the clipart select "Save Picture as.." and note where you
are saving it, and what you are calling it. It may be easier for you
to name the file something more memorable than our filename so that
you can find it later. For example "poolshark" may be easier
for you to remember than "as0267".
For the Mac, I believe you just hold the mouse button
on the clipart and then select save on your menu when it come up. Remember
where you put it. Someone with a Mac might be able to give me clearer
directions to put here. I think you might be able to copy it right into
your document as well.
Hint for Aol members(as well as compuserve):
If you are experiencing jaggedness or distortion after downloading,
this is likely to be caused by a file conversion that some Aol browsers
do when downloading. One way to work around this is to start your internet
as per normal, minimize all Aol programs, then start Internet Explorer.
Internet Explorer comes with most computers and is often depicted as
a blue 'e' or a planet icon. If you download the images with Internet
Explorer, the images will retain their original format. By minimize,
we are referring to keeping the program running but not on the screen.
In Windows you would hit the '_' symbol near the corner. This image
problem is not specific to our site, so you may use this hint anywhere
on the internet.
How To Insert:
For Office
Click on the document where you want to put the clipart.
Go to "Insert"-"Picture"-"From File".
Change the 'Look In' directory to the one where you stored the downloaded
image, find the image, click it, and press "Insert". Click
on the image on your document, move your mouse to the corner until you
get the diagonal resizing arrows and then shrink or expand the image
until it is the size you want. Note: You should use the full size image
whereever possible. The full size image(originally when you save in
the format as####.gif) will print nicer if you shrink its size in word,
but not if you shrink it in a graphics program. The thumbnails(originally
when you save it are in the format as####tn.gif) are shrunken versions,
so these sometimes print with a grainy appearance.
A quick trick that works on most pc systems would be to right click
on the full size image and selecting copy on the menu that comes up.
Inside your word document, right click where you would like to put the
image, and select paste.
For Web Pages:
Please put the clipart on your website, do not link
directly to ours. Webtv users, please use one of the many free space
providers rather than link directly to our clipart.
1. If you have a graphical web page creation tool,
insert the graphic into your page where you want it from the file location
you noted earlier.
2. If you are using HTML: You would have some code
that minimally would look as follows :
<IMG SRC="file.gif">